Saturday, February 12, 2011

Autumn Day

秋日 (耿湋)

Autumn - Day (Geng Wei)
To Return - To Illuminate - To Enter - Village - Lane
Sorrow - To Arrive - Who - Together - To Tell
Old - Road - Not - Person - Travel
Autum - Wind - Move - Grain - Broomcorn Millet

Autumn Day (Geng Wei)
The reflection of the setting sun enters the village lane
Who to tell about my sorrow
No one travels on the ancient road
The autumn wind stirs the stalks of grain

返照: reflection of the setting sun

Sending A Message To Landlord Qiu On An Autumn Evening

秋夜寄丘員外 (韋應物)

Autumn - Evening - To Send - Mound - Member - Foreign (Wei Yin Wu)
To Harbor In One's Mind - Honorific - To Concentrate On - Autumn - Evening
Scatter - To Walk - To Sing - Cool - Day
Mountain - Emtpy - Pine - Noun Suffix - To Fall
Remote - Person - Should - Not - To Sleep

Sending A Message To Landlord Qiu On An Autumn Evening (Wei Yin Wu)
Thinking of you on an autumn evening
I go for a walk and sing of a cool day
Pine cones fall on the empty mountain
A recluse should not be asleep

員外: landlord
散步: to go for a walk
松子: pine cone
幽人: recluse

This poem is about someone thinking of a friend living in seclusion.
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